R410A Replaces R22

HCFC-22, also known as R-22, has been the refrigerant of choice for residential and commercial heat pump and air-conditioning systems for more than four decades. Unfortunately, R-22 is a greenhouse gas and its manufacturing produces a by-product (HFC-23) that directly contributes to global warming. Furthermore, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has recently declared R-22 an ozone depleting substance. And according to the 1992 amendment to the Montreal Protocol, an international environmental agreement, all ozone depleting HCFCs (hydrochloroflourocarbons) are to be systematically phased out.

While chemical manufacturers will no longer be allowed to produce R-22 for use in new A/C systems, they will still be allowed to produce and import R-22 for use in servicing existing equipment, at least until 2020. Then only recycled R22 will be available.

Because of this long transition, the switch from R-22 to the use of ozone-friendly refrigerants is expected to be fairly smooth. But what will we use to replace R-22?

Under the Clean Air Act, the EPA reviews alternatives to ozone-depleting substances and evaluates their effects on human health and the environment. One of these substitutes is R-410A, a blend of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) that does not contribute to depletion of the ozone layer. R-410A is currently manufactured and sold under various trade names, including GENETRON AZ-20®, SUVA 410A®, Forane® 410A, and Puron®.

If you have any questions about how the switch to R-410A will affect you, please contact Clean Air by calling 1-866-934-6782 or click here today!

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Sources: http://www.epa.gov/ozone/title6/phaseout/22phaseout.html

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